curriculum vitae

Dr. Chase Gregory
Assistant Professor of English, Bucknell University 
Program in Literary Studies
112 Vaughan Literature Building
(310) 612-0296 

Duke University (2019) 
Ph.D. in Literature
Certificate in Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies
Reading and Writing As/if: US Literary Criticism and Identity
Robyn Wiegman (chair), Wahneema Lubiano, Rey Chow, Antonio Viego	

Tufts University (2012)
B.A. in English, cum laude
B.A. in American Studies, cum laude
English thesis: “In the Gutter: Comix Theory,” highest thesis honors
Lee Edelman (chair), Joseph Litvak
American Studies senior capstone: School, 200-page graphic novel
Ted Shapiro Award for Outstanding Senior Project
Christina Sharpe (chair), Joseph Litvak

Queer Theory • American Studies • Graphic Literature • Black Feminist Theory • Literary Criticism and Theory • Gender, Feminist, and Sexuality Studies

Bucknell Inclusive Excellence Award (as founding member of the Social Justice Learning Community Seminar), Bucknell University, Spring 2024
Advocate for Gender Equity Award, Gender Equity Network, Bucknell University, Spring 2024
Senior Fellow, Social Justice Residential College, Bucknell University, 2024-25
NEH Grant Nominee, Office for Sponsored Projects, Bucknell University, Fall 2023
Faculty Ally Award, Office of Gender and Sexuality Resources, Bucknell University, 2023
Senior Fellow, Social Justice Residential College, Bucknell University, 2022-23
Rogers Fellowship, Bucknell University, Division of the Arts & Humanities, 2019-2022
Dissertation Fellowship, Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies, Duke University, 2018-2019
Howard Whitaker, Jr. Summer Research Fellowship for 3rd-Year and Beyond Ph.D. Students, Graduate School, Duke University, 2017
Conference Travel Grant, The Program in Literature, Duke University, 2017
Travel Award, Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies, Duke University, 2017
Summer Research Fellowship, The Graduate School, Duke University, 2016
Travel Grant, The Franklin Humanities Institute, Duke University, 2014
Full Tuition Scholarship, The Program in Literature, Duke University 2013-2018

As if! Queer Criticism Across Difference (forthcoming; under contract with Duke University Press)
Graphic Sex: Queerness, Comics, and Moral Panic (in progress; interest from Routledge Press, Lexington Press, and Oregon State University Press)
Bad Impressions: Voice, Passing, and Identity (in progress)

“Review: Comics and the Body.” Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics (February 2021).
“(Ex)citation: Citational Eros in Academic Texts.” Diacritics, 48.3 (Fall 2021): 12-24.
“Crossing Both Ways: Sarah Jones, The Moth, and the Disruptive Potential of Voice.” Gender Forum, Special Issue: Gender and Sexuality in Podcast Studies (August 2020): 51-68.
“Thwarting Repair: Gutter, Stutter, Are You My Mother?” d i f f e r e n c e s: a journal of feminist cultural studies, 30.2 (September 2019)
“Critics on Critics: Queer Bonds.” GLQ, 25.1 (January 2019): 101-106
“Double Negatives: Sex, or the Unbearable.” Polygraph, 32 (January 2018): 113-122
“‘That Infinite Sphere’: Paradox, Paralepsis, and Parody in Les guérillères.” Feminist Spaces 2.1(January 2016): 19-35
“In the Gutter: Comix Theory.” Studies in Comics 3.1 (August 2012): 107-128

“‘We don’t need the nakedness and all the other stuff’: Maus, Graphic History, and School Board Excuses,” MLA Annual Convention, Philadelphia, PA, January 2024
“‘Color Me Gay’: Mid-Century Adult Coloring Books and Reading Beyond Closure,” MLA Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA, January 2023
“Are Fidget Spinners Camp?” ACLA Annual Convention, Chicago, IL, March 2020
*“The Stuttered Body: Comics, Epileptic, and the Disability Drive,” MLA Annual Convention, Seattle, WA, January 2020
“The Living End: Robert Reid-Pharr and ‘Pornographic’ Writing,” ACLA Annual Convention, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, March 2019
 “Critics on Critics,” MLA Annual Convention, Chicago, IL, January 2019
“Bringing Out Barbara Johnson,” MLA Annual Convention, New York, NY, January 2018
“Living With, Living As: Robert Reid-Pharr’s Lesbianism,” Beyond Between Men: Homosociality Across Time Conference, Oxford University, Oxford, U.K., June 2017
“Purple Prose, Lavender Menace,” MLA Annual Convention, Philadelphia, PA, January 2017
“An Essay Is Being Written,” American Comparative Literature Association Annual Conference, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, March 2016
“The Words and the Bees: the Marquis de Sade Meets Gary Becker,” South Atlantic MLA Annual Conference, Durham, NC, November 2015
“Reflections: Mirrors, Maternity, and Memoir in Bechdel’s Are You My Mother?” Northeastern MLA Annual Conference, Toronto, ON, April 2015
“Falling in Frames: David B.’s Epileptic and the Disability Drive,” Concussions, Contusions, and Other Aesthetic Disorders Conference, English Language and Literature Department, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, November 2014
“Conspiracy Theories, or, What is Queer Critique?” Intellectual Properties Conference, Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature Department, University of Minnesota, June 2014
“‘That Infinite Sphere’: Paradox, Paralepsis, and Parody in Les guérillères,” Futurities Conference, Leiden University, Leiden, Netherlands, June 2014
“In the Gutter,” MSU Comics Forum, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, February 2012

Panelist, “Stories of Ourselves and Others: The Intersections of Autobiography and Scholarship,” Center for Social Science Research and Bucknell Humanities Center, Bucknell University, April 2024
Moderator, George M. Johnson Bucknell Forum student session, Bucknell University, February 2024
Guest Lecturer, “Sexuality: A Graphic Guide,” UNIV 200 (Drs. Erica Delsandro and Bryan Vandevender), Bucknell University, October 2023
Guest Lecturer, “How I Write,” WGS 400 (Dr. Coralynn Davis), Bucknell University, October 2023
Guest Lecturer, “Deer Woman,” ENLS 199 (Dr. Jeremy Chow), Bucknell University, November 2023
Speaker, “Framed: A History of Graphic Novels,” Bucknell Institute for Lifelong Learning, August 2023
*Panelist, “Teaching to Transgress: Transformative Teaching through Black Feminist Thought,” TLC Friday Learning Series, Bucknell University, April 2023
Speaker, “Crossing Both Ways,” CSREG Faculty Colloquium, Bucknell University, March 2023
Invited Guest, Maus book club discussion, Union County League of Women Voters, December 2022
Guest Lecturer, “Queerness and Comics,” ENLS 199 (Dr. Jean Peterson), Bucknell University, November 2022
Speaker, “What Matters to Me,” Office of Religious and Spiritual Life, Bucknell University, October 2022
Speaker, “‘We don’t need the nakedness and all the other stuff’: Maus, Graphic History, and School Board Excuses,” Bertrand Library Banned Books Week, Bucknell University, September 2022 (talk reprised at Mondragon Books in public scholarship lecture the following week)
Speaker, They Called Us Enemy Film Panel, Bucknell University and Lewisburg Campus Theatre, August 2022
Guest Lecturer, “Queerness and Comics,” ENLS 199 (Dr. Jean Peterson), Bucknell University, April 2022
Speaker, Journey to Bucknell Faculty Forum, Bucknell University, November 2021
Guest Lecturer, “Parable of the Sower,” ENST 254 (Dr. Andrew Stuhl), Bucknell University, November 2021
Guest Lecturer, “Queer Comics,” Pride Month Lecture, FEMA (Philadelphia Office), June 2021
Discussion Facilitator, Intergenerational Panel for MLK/Black History Month, Bucknell University, March 2021
Guest Lecturer, “The Queer Adorable,” ENLS 199 (Dr. Jean Peterson), Bucknell University, February 2021
Guest Lecturer, “Imitation of Life,” Department of Visual Studies (Dr. Shannan Hayes), Haverford College, March 2021
Panelist, #ScholarStrike Panel, Office of Equity and Inclusive Excellence and Teaching and Learning Center, Bucknell University, September 2020
Speaker, 2020 Journey to Bucknell Faculty Forum, Bucknell University, November 2020
Guest Lecturer, ENLS 378 (Dr. Virginia Zimmerman), Bucknell University, September 2020
Guest Lecturer, ENLS 199 (Dr. Michael Drexler), Bucknell University, March 2020
Speaker, Fran’s House Faculty Dinner Series, February 2020
Discussion Facilitator, Groit Center Reading Series: Ishmael Reed’s Mumbo Jumbo, Bucknell University, September 2019
Guest Lecturer, ENLS 378 (Dr. Virginia Zimmerman), Bucknell University, September 2019
Respondent, “Constructing Trans Memory Archives in Post-Dictatorship Argentina,” Graduate Scholars Colloquium, Program in Gender Sexuality, and Feminist Studies, Duke University, October 2018
Respondent, “Nancy and the Queer Adorable in Serialized Comics,” Graduate Scholars Colloquium, Program in Gender Sexuality, and Feminist Studies, Duke University, February 2018
Moderator, “Come As You Aren’t (Sex, Representation, Authenticity)” Panel, Pleasure and Suspicion Conference, Polygraph Journal, Duke University, Durham, NC, February 2016
Presider, “Queer Ends” Panel, MLA Annual Convention, Austin, TX, January 2016
Respondent, “Not Like a Native Speaker by Rey Chow,” Global Cultural Studies Symposium, Program in Literature, Duke University, October 2014

Provost Travel Grant (with student Emma Kristjanson-Gural), $600 for research conference in Montréal, funded, Spring 2024
Prospect House Acceptance Grant, $250 for one-week writing retreat in Bennington, VT, funded, Summer 2024
“Confounding Problems Grant” (with student Eliza Ray), $1,5000 for research conference in Capetown, funded, Fall 2023
“Emerging Scholars Grant” (with student Brooke Corpuz), for 10 weeks of independent student research, funded, Summer 2023
“High Impact Teaching Grant,” Bucknell Humanities Institute, $950 for three guest speakers (Dr. Devin Ryan Toohey, Dr. Jess Issacharoff, Coorain Devin) funded, Spring 2022
“High Impact Teaching Grant,” Bucknell Humanities Institute, $700 for two guest speakers (local sex educator Jacob Kelley, local queer artist Sanh Brian Tran), funded, Fall 2022
“Program for Undergraduate Research (PUR) Grant,” (with student Zoë Wilson); to fund 10 weeks of independent student research, funded, Summer 2022
“Mellon ‘Confounding Problems’ Grant—Curricular Teach-in” (with Dr. Bryan Vandevender); to fund quarter-credit class, funded, Spring 2022
“High Impact Teaching Grant,” Bucknell Humanities Institute, $600 for two guest lecturers (Dr. Devin Ryan Toohey, Dr. John Stadler), funded, January 2022
“High Impact Teaching Grant,” Bucknell Humanities Institute, $500 for guest lecturer from Marvel Comics expert (Dr. Devin Ryan Toohey), funded, April 2021
“High Impact Teaching Grant,” Bucknell Humanities Institute, $1500 for artist talk and collaborative/interactive classroom drag project (Sanh Brian Tran), funded, April 2020
“Queer Digital Humanities” DH Summer Institute 2020, Dean’s Office and L&IT, $1750 for travel plus $950 registration fee, funded, June 2020

Comic Books and Social Justice, RESC98, Fall 2024
Intro to LGBTQ+ Literature and Media, ENLS128, Spring 2024
Fiction of Reproductive Justice, ENLS213, Spring 2024
Social Justice Learning Community (with Dr. Jennifer Thomson), RESC121, 23-24
Queer Country, RESC 098, Fall 2022
Seminar in Literary Theory, ENLS300/600, Fall 2022, Fall 2024
Gender & Sexuality in America: Divas, Drag, and Dirt, ENLS228, Fall 2020/Spring 2023
Intro to Race and Literature: Queerness & Race, ENLS203, Spring 2020/2022/2023/Fall 2023
History of Sexuality in Literature, ENLS364/ENLS694, Spring 2020/Spring 2023/2024
Individual Projects in Literary Studies, ENLS316, Fall 2022/Spring 2023/2024
Senior Thesis, ENLS379, Spring 2024
How to Be Queer in Central PA (with Dr. Bryan Vandevender), UNIV205-02, Spring 2022
Queer Reading, ENLS301/601, Spring 2022
Master’s Thesis, ENLS680, Spring 2021
Graphic Memoir, ENLS213, Spring 2021
Modernism and Crisis, UNIV200 (with Dr. Bret Leraul), Spring 2021/2022
Passing in Literature—Race, Gender, Class, ENLS301/ENLS601, Fall 2020
Comix, Comics, Graphic Novel, ENLS101, Fall 2020
Sexuality and Memoir, ENLS213-01, Fall 2019
Interracial Intimacies, ENLS290-01, Fall 2019
Queer Reading, ENLS101-03, Fall 2019

Panelist, WACC “Teaching Writing” Workshop, Bucknell University, August 2024
First Year Summer Advisor, Summer 2024
Member, Banned Books Week Planning Committee, Spring/Fall 2024
Mock Class Presenter, Admitted Students Days, Spring 2024
Member, Search Committee for VAP in Multi-Ethnic Literature of the US, Spring 2024
Member, Program for Undergraduate Research (PUR) Selection Committee, Spring 2024
Member, Center for the Study of Race, Ethnicity, and Gender (CSREG) Board, Spring 2024-present
Faculty Chaperone, “Creating Change” Conference, New Orleans, Spring 2024
Speaker, Take Back the Night, Fall 2023
Moderator, Kalman Symposium, Spring 2023
Member, Emerging Scholars Grant Selection Committee, Spring 2023
Presenter, Banned Books Read-Aloud, Bucknell University, September 2023
Member, Banned Books Ad-Hoc Committee, Spring/Fall 2023
Member, Literary Studies Arts Merit Scholars Committee, Fall 2022-present
Member, Writing Across the Curriculum Council (WACC), Spring 2023-present
Faculty Chaperone, GSA Delegation to “Creating Change” Conference, February 2023 
Judge, Bucknell Film Club 24-Hour Competition, Fall 2022
Member, Committee for Academic Freedom and Tenure (CAFT), 2022-25
Member, OEIE Learning Community on Reproductive Justice, Fall 2022
Member, Search Committee for Open Position in Race and Literature, Fall 2022
Member, TLC Learning Community on Anti-Racist Teaching and Engagement, Fall 2022
Member, 5-Minute Research Check-in Group, Fall 2022
Member, Literary Studies Outreach Ad-hoc Committee, 2022-present 
Member, Bucknell Health and Humanities Working Group, 2021-22
Member, Library & IT Committee, 2021-present
Member, committee on Graduate Enrollment, 2019-present
Member, committee on Race and Literature Concentration, 2019-present
Member, ad-hoc committee on Literary Studies Enrollment, 2019-present 
Department Coordinator, Program for Study Abroad, 2019-present
Member, Search Committee for VAP in Multi-Ethnic Literature of the US, Summer 2022
Content Creator, “Bison Votes” Campaign, 2022
Speaker (Invited Faculty Reflection), Bucknell GSA Lavender Graduation, Spring 2022
Content Creator, Teaching and Learning Center videos, Spring 2022
Consultant, Fun Home musical production, Spring 2022
Member, Emerging Scholars Grant Selection Committee, Spring 2022
Facilitator, Transforming Communities Initiative Community Dialogues, Spring 2022Member, Search Committee for VAP in Pre-1700s Anglophone, Spring 2022
Interim Member, Writing Across the Curriculum Council, Spring 2022
Member, Literary Studies Assessment committee, 2021-2022
Member, TLC Junior Faculty Teaching Circles, Spring 2021
Presenter, Admissions Event for the Humanities, April 2020
Facilitator, Transforming Communities Initiative Community Dialogues, Spring 2020
Station Instructor, Milton School District Outreach, April 2020
Presenter, English Club Research Slam, March 2020
Liasson, Gateway to Bucknell, Bucknell University, March 2019
Presenter, Banned Books Read-Aloud, Bucknell University, September 2019
Presenter, Arts and Humanities Open House, Bucknell University, September 2019
Liaison, Arts and Humanities Fair, Bucknell University, September 2019

Executive Committee Member, MLA Comics and Graphic Narrative Forum, 2024
External Reader, MA Sociology Thesis, University of Auckland, 2024
Meeting Coordinator, Polygraph Journal, Duke University, Durham, NC, 2015-2019
Editorial Board Member, Polygraph Journal, Duke University, Durham, NC, 2015-2019
Referee, Gender, Technology, and Development, ed. Yukari Sawada, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok: Taylor and Francis, August 2018
Referee, The Comics Grid: Journal of Comics Scholarship, ed. Ernesto Priego, May 2017